Decorate Your Home With A Medieval European Theme

Decorate Your Home With A Medieval European Theme

Do you have a passion for Medieval Europe? Would you like to reinvent your home as the interior or a Lord’s estate or castle keep? Does your home have stone or wood details that conjure images of a Medieval dwelling? If the answers to any of these questions are “yes,” then you’ll want to pay…

Three Tips For Decorating For A Family Holiday

Three Tips For Decorating For A Family Holiday

It’s that time of year again – the holidays! The holidays can be a very stressful time of year for everyone. Are you the one who got stuck with (or volunteered) to host the family get-together over Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever holiday your family may be celebrating together? Good job! Now how are you…

Choosing A Wallpaper For Your Home

Choosing A Wallpaper For Your Home

You’ll be hard pressed to find a home décor topic more divided than the question of wallpaper. This wall covering saw a period of great popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, when the styles included busy patterns, bright colors, and intricate detail that quickly became dated and unfashionable. Today, wallpaper is once again gaining a…