
Using Chandeliers To “Light Up” A Room

Chandeliers are possibly the most underestimated type of lighting when it comes to home décor. Many people think that chandeliers are only for “fancy” homes and that they cost a lot of money. That just isn’t true – a chandelier can be a great conversation piece, and they’re affordable too.

Here are a few ideas that you can use if you are considering using a chandelier as part of your home décor:

  • Most people think of chandeliers as crystal, but they don’t have to be. All a chandelier has to be is a ceiling-mounted light fixture with several branches. If you look around any store that sells lighting, you will find chandeliers of varying types; some even use modern lighting fixtures as part of the design. That helps chandeliers be a versatile choice for any home decorating scheme.
  • Place the chandelier over your dining area in order to put more focus (and some more lighting) over the table. Make sure that it is centered over the table, or it may make for some awkward lighting.
  • If you are using a chandelier for lighting an office space or meeting space, consider doing it in a room that has a round table. The chandelier will distribute its light evenly over the table and create a warm and calm atmosphere.
  • Don’t worry that your chandelier may hang “too low.” Unless you have awkwardly low ceilings, you should be able to pull the chandelier high enough that it looks great.
  • If your home has higher ceilings, don’t be afraid to get elaborate with the chandeliers that you pick. For example, if your home has a more rustic feel, there are plenty of chandeliers that are made out of natural materials. In many cabins, chandeliers made from deer or elk antlers are quite popular and they look very classy.
  • Another cool way to use a chandelier is in a foyer. A chandelier will light up your whole stairwell and foyer area. A chandelier can also make your foyer, which is usually considered a “plain” area, become one of the most elegant areas of your home.

Overall, chandeliers can really “light up” your home, no matter what room you decide to put it in. They will draw attention to the area(s) that they are placed in, and they add a level of elegance that you may not be able to get otherwise. Chandeliers are definitely something to consider when you are decorating your home.

Photo: Pexels

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