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Do You Have Confidence In Yourself? Ask Yourself These Questions

Confidence is beautiful. Confidence brings peace of mind. Confidence is feeling good about yourself. But do you have it? Ask yourself these questions.

1) Can I say ‘no’?

There’s a terrible misconception that saying ‘no’ is rude. It’s not rude– it’s honest. You don’t always have to say no– but it’s okay to turn down requests, or admit to yourself that you’re biting off more than you can chew.

2) Can I ask for help?

You might think confident people don’t need help. On the contrary– everyone needs help sometimes. Confident people aren’t afraid to ask. They realize it’s not a sign of weakness, but a sign of self-assuredness.

3) Can I admit my flaws?

Thinking you’re perfect isn’t confidence; it’s fear. When you’re so afraid of your flaws that you can’t admit them, it reeks of low self-esteem. You’re not brimming with confidence—you’re wearing it like a mask. A truly confident person can admit to being human—and embrace it. We can’t work on improving our faults if we refuse to acknowledge them.

4) Can I admit my strengths?

Some people take admitting flaws to an extreme. In fact, some find it far easier to list their weaknesses than to list their strengths. A confident person can accept that they have shortcomings without selling themselves short. You should be able to recognize and embrace your positive qualities as well. It’s not about boasting, it’s about realizing your own self-worth.

5) Can I be myself?

A confident person is comfortable in her own skin. She may have different sides to her personality, but she’s not afraid to show any of them if they rear their heads. She doesn’t feel pressure to put on a front—she doesn’t need to. She likes herself.

Feel like you’re not there yet? Don’t worry—you can build confidence. Asking these questions helps you know what you need to work on.

Photo: Pexels

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