One Little Change Will Make A Big Difference To Your Sleep

One Little Change Will Make A Big Difference To Your Sleep

Trying to ‘get healthy’ can feel overwhelming sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to change everything about your life all at once– just start with something small. One little thing you can do to make a big difference is to lower the thermostat at night. Ideal Temperature If you have been…

‘It’s Time to Drink Less’ – Top Doctors Urge People To Stop Drinking As New Link To Cancer Discovered

‘It’s Time to Drink Less’ – Top Doctors Urge People To Stop Drinking As New Link To Cancer Discovered

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has released an unprecedented request to the American people; drink less alcohol. With several years of research linking alcohol with cancer, the nation’s top oncology doctors are warning that even a glass of wine or beer a day could prove fatal. “ASCO believes that a provocative stance by…

Here Is How Paprika Can Help Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms

Here Is How Paprika Can Help Reduce Dry Eye Symptoms

If your eyes feel irritated, look red, or even feel gritty like you have some sand stuck in them, then you might have dry eye. Dry eyes is a common condition that occurs when your tears aren’t able to provide enough lubrication for your eyes which causes discomfort. Fortunately, there are remedies that can help…

Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Alleviate MS Symptoms

Vitamin D Supplementation May Help Alleviate MS Symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological disease that attacks the brain and central nervous system, causing numb or spasming muscles, prolonged bouts of fatigue, and general coordination issues. According to most estimates, MS currently affects more than 2.3 million people around the world. In the United States alone, 200 new cases of MS are…

Here Are Some Great Natural Sources Of Probiotics

Here Are Some Great Natural Sources Of Probiotics

According to medical experts, people need ‘good’ bacteria in their gut and digestive system in order to prevent illnesses and maintain overall health. ‘Good’ bacteria are often killed by medications such as bacteria. Fortunately, ‘good’ bacteria can come in many forms which include supplements, food, and beverages. These ‘good’ bacteria are known as probiotics and…

Here Is How Aloe Vera Can Help Relieve Eczema Symptoms

Here Is How Aloe Vera Can Help Relieve Eczema Symptoms

Eczema, which is also known as dermatitis, is a condition that affects the skin, making it dry, irritated and excruciatingly itchy. The cause of eczema is theorized to be related to an autoimmune dysfunction. Stress, diet, genetics and topical factors all play a role in eczema outbreaks. Fortunately, there are remedies that help with eczema…

Here Is How Baking Soda Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

Here Is How Baking Soda Can Help Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth become stained or discolored for many reasons. Some people are born with discolored teeth. Childhood illnesses and fever can cause tooth discoloration, as can an excess of flouride. Smoking, of course, will stain teeth over time as will drinking coffee. Poor dental hygeine results in a buildup of plaque which will discolor teeth over…

Here Is How These Chinese Herbs Can Help With Diabetes

Here Is How These Chinese Herbs Can Help With Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, is a result of someone having insulin resistance. This means insulin is not being processed correctly. There are several other forms of this disease, some of which can be derived from genetic defects, certain illnesses, or even high doses of certain steroids. Regardless of the types, the…

Here is How The Valerian Plant Can Help With Insomnia

Here is How The Valerian Plant Can Help With Insomnia

Why can’t I sleep? Unfortunately there is no straight answer here. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep. Most of the time, insomnia is related to bad sleep habits, stress, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, an illness or a specific medication. Chronic insomnia can lead to illness and long-term mental issues….