holiday table

Three Tips For Decorating For A Family Holiday

It’s that time of year again – the holidays! The holidays can be a very stressful time of year for everyone. Are you the one who got stuck with (or volunteered) to host the family get-together over Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever holiday your family may be celebrating together? Good job! Now how are you going to decorate for it?

Don’t fear and don’t stress; there are a lot of different and creative things that you can do in order to decorate for the holidays in a fun and unique way. Here are three tips that you can use; you can even cheat and say that you thought of them yourself!

1. Have fun with the table.

Many times, people won’t even bother decorating the table because they worry that food will get spilled and messes will be made. Don’t be one of those people! Instead of bringing out the good tablecloths, cover the table with butcher paper! Then, the little kids can color on it if they’re bored, and it’s easy to clean up. You can also use the butcher paper to make “placemats” for everyone at the meal. You can also make a fun centerpiece(s) that includes the menu for the meal.

2. Spruce up the chairs.

Okay, so the table wasn’t a new thought, because most people decorate the table, but what about the chairs? You could do a couple of different things to make the chairs look neat. An obvious choice is ribbons, but you can also make giant gift tags (to use as place markers) and little ornaments and bells to liven it up a bit. You can also take the seat cushion and wrap it in wrapping paper for fun.

3. Have surprises for unexpected guests.

Did you just find out that your nephew was bringing his girlfriend? Did your daughter’s friend from college that is from another country need somewhere to go for holiday dinner? That’s okay! Take a couple of baskets, fill them with wrapped presents (gift cards, small knick-knacks, and a couple of toys may be good). Then, they serve a dual purpose: not only do they look neat (because who doesn’t love the look of well-wrapped presents), but you can also have spare gifts in case someone drops into your holiday get-together that you weren’t exactly expecting.

Have these tips got your mind moving with ideas for decorating for the holiday dinner? Good! Now get out there and get cooking. Happy holidays!

Photo: Pixabay

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