How Divorce Can Make You a Better Woman

How Divorce Can Make You a Better Woman

Too many women who are in unhappy relationships, or who are recently divorced, worry that it says something negative about their character. You might worry divorce means you were selfish, unwanted, or even a failure. In most cases, that could not be further from the truth. Sometimes, divorce can make you a better woman. Divorce…

Feeling Tired? Your Mobile Device May be the Culprit

Feeling Tired? Your Mobile Device May be the Culprit

You probably use your smartphone and tablet for everything from communication to playing games and reading. You may read everything from books to performing online searches. Nonetheless, you might have already read reports stating that looking at screens before bedtime can impact the quality of your sleep. Now, new research shows that this issue is…

Having a Substantial Derrière is Good for Your Health

Having a Substantial Derrière is Good for Your Health

For the past seven years, the world has changed their ideas about what makes a woman’s body beautiful. In the past, it might have been a female that was slim all over, but perhaps had some chest enhancements. Today, that has changed, and it is all about the booty. From Kim Kardashian, to J.Lo, Beyonce,…

The One Percenters Club Gains $92 Billion

The One Percenters Club Gains $92 Billion

Billionaires’ combined wealth was increased by $92 billion as Alibaba rose and energy prices fell. As of December 29, their overall net worth stands at $4.1 trillion based upon the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Naturally, the biggest gainer was Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.(BABA), China’s largest e-commerce company. Ma started the company…

Is Your Anniversary Coming Up? Here Are Some Romantic Ideas

Is Your Anniversary Coming Up? Here Are Some Romantic Ideas

Anniversaries are something special and should be celebrated. Whether you have been dating for 6 months, dating for 2 years, or have made it to your first year wedding anniversary, there are affordable ways you can celebrate your special milestone with your partner. Money has become a huge problem in the world and celebrating anniversaries…

The Benefits of Wearing The Same Thing Every Day

The Benefits of Wearing The Same Thing Every Day

How many late days have you logged or traffic tickets have you gotten because you were delayed picking out your clothes? How would you like to free yourself from that burden? Tips for Success What do Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Andy Warhol, and President Obama have in common? They wear virtually the same thing every…

Study Finds That Bad Relationships Can Literally Break Your Heart

Study Finds That Bad Relationships Can Literally Break Your Heart

The term “I love you to death” may be literally quite true. A recent study finds that couples who have fought with their spouse for decades were more likely to develop heart disease than those in happy marriages, Daily Mail reports. This was especially true for women since, according to Michigan State University Sociologist Dr….

Americans Taking More Vacations Is One Of The Biggest Risks To The Market

Americans Taking More Vacations Is One Of The Biggest Risks To The Market

Strategist and market bear, Albert Edwards, has urged Americans to enjoy their vacations while they last, warning that overconfidence in rising wages may be presenting a huge threat to the market. Mr. Edwards has flagged waning wage growth as the root of America’s imminent market crash, highlighting an ‘out of wack’ relationship between inflation and…