The Benefits of Having a Big Sister

The Benefits of Having a Big Sister

All sibling rivalry and family arguments aside– if you grew up with a big sister, you’re probably luckier than you realize. There are a lot of benefits to having someone lead the way for you, and a relationship between sisters is like few others you’ll ever experience. She Paves the way Your sister was the…

Americans Need a Vacation

Americans Need a Vacation

If you’re an American, when was the last time you took a good, long vacation? Odds are, it’s been a while. According to Expedia’s annual Vacation Deprivation Study, it’s probably been a while. American Vacation Habits The study surveyed nearly 8,000 working people across 24 different countries. The findings showed Americans on average take 14…

Thinking of Traveling To One of These Countries, Think Again

Thinking of Traveling To One of These Countries, Think Again

You think being a woman in America is oppressive? Be lucky you don’t live in one of the 10 nations the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s deemed as the worst for women. About that trip you had planning Morocco—yeah…you’re going to have to go ahead and cancel that. They don’t show no ladylove and are number…

This Is Your Brain on Stress

This Is Your Brain on Stress

Stress is unavoidable. Some stress is even good for you– eustress (good stress) is what motivates you and makes you feel fulfilled. Distress, on the other hand, can be incredibly damaging. You may have heard what too much stress can do to your blood pressure, your heart and your metabolism. But have you heard what…

Does Age Really Matter When It Comes To Relationships?

Does Age Really Matter When It Comes To Relationships?

When it comes to May-December romances, a lot of people say age isn’t important. As it turns out, in a marriage, it is. There is a link between age gap and divorce. The Widening Gap A study at Emory University has found that the bigger the age gap in a relationship, the more likely the…

Is Your House Messy? Congratulations, you’re Normal

Is Your House Messy? Congratulations, you’re Normal

An immaculate home is the sign of a troubled mind. Mess is not only common, but normal in a family household. If you berate yourself for never having a perfect home: rest easy, you’re of sound mind. The Mommy Delusion How many times have you said to a visitor, “Please don’t mind the mess, I…

Do You Have Confidence In Yourself? Ask Yourself These Questions

Do You Have Confidence In Yourself? Ask Yourself These Questions

Confidence is beautiful. Confidence brings peace of mind. Confidence is feeling good about yourself. But do you have it? Ask yourself these questions. 1) Can I say ‘no’? There’s a terrible misconception that saying ‘no’ is rude. It’s not rude– it’s honest. You don’t always have to say no– but it’s okay to turn down…

Every Mom Could Use Friends Like These

Every Mom Could Use Friends Like These

If there’s a tougher job than mothering, I haven’t found it yet. The difference between turning into Stepford mom-bots running on auto and actually keeping your sound mind may be in your support network. Moms need friends, probably more than anyone else. Here are the types of friends that every mom should have. The Other…