Should You Stay In A Failed Marriage To Keep The Family Together?

Should You Stay In A Failed Marriage To Keep The Family Together?

No one grows up thinking they’ll go off and get married only to see that marriage fails. In fact plenty of people- especially women- grow up dreaming about their fairytale wedding and happily ever after. They certainly don’t imagine that their beloved marriage would turn into constant arguing and misery. It’s estimated that about half…

Break Free From Destructive Relationships

Break Free From Destructive Relationships

With the divorce rate hovering around 50%, it’s safe to assume that there are some destructive relationship dynamics going on in many relationships. I think we all can vouch for the reality that relationships can be harder and trickier than we once thought. There are plenty of people who are actually stuck in a destructive…

Overcoming A Codependent Relationship

Overcoming A Codependent Relationship

Codependency means always having the need to either be in control or be with someone. Codependency in relationships can lead to a very unhealthy relationship, as it can be like a poison. Symptoms of codependency are perfectionism, depression, inability to control your emotions and feeling the need to control everything and everyone around you. A…

Built To Last: Advice For Strengthening Your Relationship

Built To Last: Advice For Strengthening Your Relationship

What is it about certain relationships that make them stand the test of time? Obviously love and attraction are important, but many couples that care still don’t last long term. How can you improve and strengthen your relationship so that it’s built to last? A Strong Foundation Long lasting relationships have a solid foundation. Just…

Relationship Counseling Can Save Your Relationship

Relationship Counseling Can Save Your Relationship

Conflicts are bound to occur in an intimate relationship. It’s difficult to go through life with the same person without having some sort of difference of opinion occurring. On top of that, you’ve got mood swings, fatigue, and the tendency to take frustration out on those closest to you. When Relationships Are Severely Strained What…

Tips For Online Dating

Tips For Online Dating

Once you have decided that it may be time to start dating or search for a partner, you may consider the options on how to meet potential matches that are right for you. Finding a match today is more difficult than it used to be because of full-time jobs, single parenting, and other circumstances that…

Keys To Rebuilding A Relationship

Keys To Rebuilding A Relationship

Chances are that if you’re in a relationship, you’ll have times of conflict and maybe even complete breakdown. Do you know how to handle such situations? Are you aware that there are valuable keys to help you rebuild your relationship if it’s suffered a breakdown? Relationship challenges are sure to come, so be sure to…

5 Ways To Get More Attention From Men

5 Ways To Get More Attention From Men

Do you ever feel like your man doesn’t give you enough attention? Is he too busy with other things? Are you feeling frustrated with little hope? I understand. Relationships can certainly go through their ups and downs and many women complain that they don’t get enough attention. It helps to know that women, in general,…

Flirting Tips For Women

Flirting Tips For Women

Whether you’re dating or in a relationship, flirting can bring romance and let your partner know or reassure that you are interested. Men and women have different flirting styles and there are tips that women can use for most effective flirting. Every woman has a sexy side and is capable of attracting the man they…